I had a pretty restful night's sleep on the air mattress on my mom's living room floor the day I arrived. She only has one bedroom, and the couch is not an option. While it is not all that uncomfortable from a padding perspective, it simply isn't long enough to accommodate my 6'2" frame, and sleeping in a perpetual fetal position for 3 nights was not something I wanted to do. Since mom is a diabetic like me, she had a variety of foods that I could have for breakfast that would not cause my blood sugar too many problems. Screw that, I'm on vacation. I jabbed myself with some extra insulin prior to eating, and wolfed down the bagel and lox like it was manna from heaven.
The blood sugar didn't budge. I learned some time ago that control is the key. Pre-medicate with insulin from time-to-time, and you can cheat a little bit.
As I was not going to be getting together with my brother and niece until the afternoon, I decided to take a walk in the morning around some old haunts. I specifically had been avoiding it in the past. I simply did not want to relive certain memories. Then again, there were certain things I never came completely to terms with either. As Bina recently blogged about, bullying was a huge issue for me growing up. Oh I wasn't the bully; I was the bullied. While I eventually learned to stand up for myself and not put up with it, there was a lot of bruising along the way, both physically and mentally. Seeing some of the old haunts, while it flooded me with a lot of good memories, were peppered with bad ones that I would just as soon have erased. My "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind" was not to be, so I simply needed to deal with it on my own terms.
"I was stunned and amazed/ My childhood memories..."
Mom no longer lives in the building I grew up in. She moved out in 1990 to another building in the complex, a smaller apartment. After dad died in 1988, it made no sense for her to live in the 3-bedroom apartment we had since 1970, especially since my brother and I were out on our own at that point. In all that time, I think I had gone back to that building maybe once. It was too painful. The last memories of that place were filled with sadness and loss. There was also no one there anymore that I knew. Still for some reason this time, I felt myself drawn there. I think I finally decided this was my Linda Blair moment. The sun was shining bright, it was warm outside.
It was an excellent day for an exorcism.
I made my way from her building towards mine, first coming to the shopping center that serviced my area of the complex. (There are 3 that were built to provide shopping and other stores, as this place is huge.) The first couple of things I came across made me smile.
When I started working on my volunteer ambulance corps in 1976, the diner was the place to go to after the calls that were the toughest. A cup of coffee with your crew, discuss what happened on the call in between bites of bagel with a schmeer of cream cheese was the best decompression session one could have. The only thing that was more stressful was dividing up the bill at the end of the meal.
Leaving those two places behind, I walked on, past the old ambulance corps headquarters in another building, (they folded about 9-10 years ago) and came to one of my sacred hangouts.
The structure next to the court is one of the now renovated parking garages. Long before rock climbing walls, we had these. While it might be hard to see in this picture, the bottom level of the garage had cinder block walls, and the challenge for every kid was to see who was brave enough (or stupid enough) to scale all 6 floors in a free climb. I made it as far as the second floor, and then common sense, but mostly fear told me not to go any further. The renovation removed the cinder blocks from all but the bottom level, so I don't know if kids today have the guts to try what we did.
While reminiscing, I suddenly remembered that the big field that was just adjacent to the courts
Sadly, the tree was cut down many years ago, after I had moved out. I wondered if perhaps there was something, a remnant of it that might still be there. I looked around in the area that I seemed to remember where it was, and there below my feet, I found it:
I then turned my attention to my old building, that was just across the street from both of these places. I walked up to the rear entrance of the building, and found the marker amongst the scaffolding that surrounded the bottom of it:
After snapping this picture, I took a deep breath, and moved on to the main entrance of the building. Once more unto the breach...
To be continued...
Good stuff, Mr N.
In 1992 I went to a 10 year school reunion which I found to be a very healing cathartic experience, having been a very insecure kid. Ilooked round and I realised, "hey, I'm as good as anyone and I'm happy in my life. I wouldn't swap it for anyone's...". It was quite a big moment at the time.
Looking forward to next instalment.
Oh, nostalgia!!!
Those places we hung out in as kids hold such strong memories, don't they? Bunch of idiots you were, climbing the parking garage, but ... hey, that's what kids do, huh?
In 1976, I got married. I wonder who had more fun? ;)
A remarkable account of a journey home, be it with the inevitable experience that places change, people move and the physical places that held our memories often get erased by time.
I can totally relate to your post, as I made the very same trip (well, in Belgium) to the places where I spent my youth. While most of the buildings were still intact, many of the people I knew when I was young were gone forever.
Kind of sad.
You write so well! (Or is it good?) I felt as though I were walking with you! The house I grew up in, in Ohio, was burned down by the Fire Department for practice a year or two after we all moved out. It scares me to even look at it in pictures because of everything that happened in that house.
I'm anxiously awaiting the next part!
That's a beautifully written post. I never had 'roots' as my parents moved around so much - which is probably why I have been in Belgium for so long. This is my home - but I don't really know where I grew up.
Despite the sad memories that you encountered during your visit home, I envy you. I'd like to be able to visit 'home'.
Zoe - Thank you so much. It is an interesting mixture of sadness and smiles when I go home. I hear what you are saying about not knowing where you grew up, as I have known you to write about that subject in the past, especially in posts about your parents.
Part 3 will be up today....
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