...if it's the last thing I ever do.
The job. As if it were not already the most mind numbing thing I can think of, along comes two things that just add to my own sense of impatience of getting out sooner rather than later.
Late last week, I get an e-mail from the supervisor that handles all of our training regarding some more responsibilities that will be foisted upon us, not that we had a say in the matter, mind you. The pain has been spread out amongst everyone on this program, not just us telecommuters. So yesterday I had to take two hours out of my day to learn a new two new skill sets that, truth be told, could just as easily have been handled with handouts. (Even the trainer admitted this.)
Is there more money to be added to our regular bi-weekly pittance for having these new skills? Yeah, right, I should know better.
So, off I go, log onto MS Web Meeting, and sit through two useless hours of following a PowerPoint presentation that really was not necessary. For those of us that have been on this program for some time, myself included, there was really no need to undergo this. All they had to do was give us the handouts, (in our case, via e-mail) and some very brief, concise instructions on parameters for using them, and all would be good.
Actually, we got lucky; the client wanted a 7 hour training on this!!! Insane? You bet. Thankfully our trainer talked them out of it. The only saving grace was two hours of overtime in the coffer.
However, what has finally got my goat is the fact that our new schedules have come out, and I was not given the times and days off I have requested. It was not all that different from what I have now, but it was the fact that this was the umpteenth time that I have not gotten the schedule I have asked for. Mind you, I was:
A. One of two people that were the prototypes for this telecommuting program and proved that it could work.
B. Have been given an award for work that I have done regarding assisting people in the IM chat room we have for us that telecommute.
C. Was one of two people that field tested a prototypes virtual work environment that is planning on being implemented.
I didn't think that after all of this it would be too much to ask for a schedule that suits my needs. As a result, I may not be able to audition for a show I have had my heart set on going for, as I may not be able to fit in the rehearsals if I do make it in.
I am tired of having my working life dictated to. When I started my freelance writing business, I made a plan to at least be able to drop to part-time at my job within a year. (In other words, at least 50% of my income would be generated from the freelance writing to make that a reality.) I have decided to move that timetable to six months. One way or another, I am going to drop this god-forsaken job by early next year, if it is the last thing I ever do. I am going to also start delving hot and heavy into learning editing and proofreading, as this is really where there are a ton of opportunities.
Yes, I know, I should feel lucky I have a job. It's just not enough anymore.
post 972. I Drew A Picture Of Myself As A Ghost On My Goodbye Note.
Of all the lit mags that have me under their spell, HAD is the dreamiest of
my dream journals. I am so, so happy to finally have a piece that broke
4 days ago